
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Never Let Go

It’s Survivor: Cabin in the Woods.

Deep in the woods, a mother (Halle Berry) is trying to protect her 2 young boys from the evil that lies beyond the sanctuary of their cabin home. They are force to scavenge for food while tethered to their home by ropes. They hunt for rabbits, squirrels, birds, & bugs but sometimes they must settle for less. The mother tells her boys that this evil has haunted their family for years. She lays out her rules, like never let go of the rope. However, when one of the boys begins to question the existence of this evil spirit, the stakes for survival ramp up. Filmmakers have created a wonderfully beautiful but creepy environment for this family to explore. But is this a supernatural or psychological thriller? Is this evil real or just the hallucination of frightened minds?  Is there evil lurking beyond their cabin walls or just within their delusional minds? I️ liked the journey but not necessarily the destination. Who will survive? Will this evil return to haunt again?

Alien gives it 2½ “Big Rock Candy Mountain” stars out of 4.

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