
Saturday, September 14, 2024


In this futuristic dystopian society, a unique coming-of-age ritual applies to the “uglies” on their 16th birthday; they are transformed into their “healthy, happy, pretty” selves. Peris & Tally (Joey King) are BFFs with birthdays 3 months apart & make promises to each other. However, Tally becomes suspicious when Peris has changed more than in just his looks. Rumors about the Smoke, a rebel group with a leader named David, spread . Tally is coerced into infiltrating the Smoke in order to save her friend Shay as well as finally being allowed to get her withheld “pretty” procedure. Thus begins the battle between control & freedom erupts in this modern “1984” tale of beauty is more than skin deep. This one ends with a cliff hanger hoping to spark a sequel.

Alien gives it 3 “hoverboards, orchids, Squint & Nose” stars out of 4.

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