Sunday, January 05, 2025
“Homestead” begins with much confusion. Illegals in a boat are being stopped by the Coast Guard so they take a device below deck. A huge explosion in L.A. has family grab their “go” bag to escape but get caught up in a huge traffic jam. A special forces team head to a fortified home in the Rockies. I️ had no idea what I️ was about to see except this movie was produced by Angel Studios. This turned out to be a post-apocalyptic survival film where a nuclear bomb was detonated in Los Angeles & prepared people were fleeing to a fortified compound referred to as the Homestead. The nation has devolved into chaos. Desperate people are behaving abnormally. These survivalist preppers & military specialists have dug into their self-sustaining, well-defended compound ready to ward off any violent threats. This is a story about survival & protecting your own, while questioning whether are you really doing the right thing. Are you overstepping moral boundaries? Has human nature’s sense of survival made you cross the line at someone else’s expense? It’s intense drama as paranoia grips over this stronghold. Who will survive this nightmare? The film’s conclusion seems to close on a upbeat note. Then, it’s disclosed that these events were just the set up for a streaming series where more about these people will continue.
Alien gives it 3 “There is life… and there is life worth living” stars out of 4.