Monday, February 03, 2025
Lost in Tomorrow
Be careful for what you wish for.
It’s “Quantum Leap” meets “Ground Hog Day” when a tween girl, Harper, wishes that she was someone else after being punished for fighting at school. She is a talkative girl & feels no one likes her. In this fantasy drama, she wakes up as a different person each morning. Sometimes she is older; sometimes she is a male; sometimes she is married. She experiences a new person’s life at least a dozen times. I️ began wondering where this premise was going & whether Harper would finally make it home to her own body. Or was this going to be some elaborate dream the Harper was having? Along this twisted journey Harper seemed to be gaining some insights & new perspectives to life. I️ was disappointed & felt unstatisfied by the time the credits rolled.
Alien gives it 2 “if you die in your dream, do you die in real life” stars out of 4.
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